Sorry it's been a little quiet around here ...
First there was a bad cold the week before Christmas that put me down for several days.
Next was a flurry of activity in preparation for a family Christmas in Tennessee.
And then it was five fun-filled days enjoying Christmas in TN.
After that (and actually, by the last two days of our vacation), my cold relapsed.
And then the New Year came, with me still blowing me nose and feeling sick.
Finally, I went to the doctor and got antibiotics for a sinus infection (no wonder I still wasn't feeling well!)
So now it's January 12th. My sinus infection and cold have finally cleared up. I had a couple good days, but now again, I'm still not feeling 100%, probably because illness can set off my chronic health symptoms.
When I don't write on my blog for a while, it calls to me, "Chris! You've been ignoring me!" And I feel disappointed with myself because I'm "supposed" to be posting but I just don't feel like it or have the mind to.
Which has led to several days of thinking and praying about my blog. Should I continue? Should I give it up, so I don't feel like I'm failing when I don't post very often? Should I just blog whenever I can, and not worry about it when I don't?
And also, what is my purpose in blogging? I'd been a reader of blogs long before I started my own. Which is why I started mine, because I like how the blog-world connects people of like minds. I thought it would be fun to share some of my self and my world. However, I enjoy blogs have a more specific focus than "here's what happened this week"; so I'd like mine to go beyond that also.
I've tried not to focus too much on my health issues, because I didn't want to come across as complaining, or woe-is-me. I haven't posted much about homeschooling either because I don't feel like we do anything spectacular or out of the ordinary that would be of great interest or help to other homeschoolers.
Yet, homeschooling and my health are a huge part of my life; they
are my life. Again, that leaves me wondering about my purpose in blogging. What might God desire of my blogging? If I post more about my health struggles and somehow managing to homeschool in spite of them, can I do it in a way that God could use to be encouraging to other moms in a similar boat?
Parenting and being a mom was also a big struggle for me for the first several years. Should I go back and sift through the lessons I learned along the way, and share those? Perhaps that could be helpful to younger moms? But then I doubt myself, that I don't really have anything "worthy" enough to say that hasn't already been heard. And there are much better writers out there anyway.
Any thoughts? Or feedback? I guess I'm in limbo here, and need to continue seeking what God thinks about my blog. Because that's the real purpose.