Monday, July 12, 2010

In and Out

More out than in actually!

I had thought I might have more time to do things like blogging during the summer, but life instead has been more busy in different ways.  Holidays, family visiting, park dates with friends, sleepovers, garden & flowers to tend to, swimming in neighbor's pool, day trips, boys' friends at our house, homework for Beth Moore's Esther bible study at church, planning landscaping, and on it goes, as well as some times of rest to recover from all the fun!  I may be taking more pictures than usual, but why did I think I'd have time to blog about them? I haven't even had time to download much of my photos yet!

So I may be scarce around here for the rest of the summer.  I need to spend my time and energy living life instead of at the computer blogging about it.  But okay, first, I will post 2 pictures from the 4th of July parade!

Rashed, Isaac, Noah, and cousin Brandon

Grandpa and Aaron


I've been reminded that homeschooling actually keeps you at home! Just me and the kids. A simpler kind of busy I guess.  Summer activities - not so much!  So I'll "see" ya when I see ya!


Mom said...

Thanx for the new blog posting! Nice to see the 2 pictures. We really did have a good time up there visiting with you.

Love, Mom

Sara K. said...

I'm with ya, Chris! I'm not at the computer much these days either... much less even in the house! With my boys almost 5 and 2-1/2 digging in the dirt and running around the yard like crazy monkeys, there's almost less R&R possible than during the school year! :)

Bev said...

Just popped over to say hello and catch up a bit. Don't you love the lazy days of summer, when schedules don't hold us so tightly? It'll be fall before we know it, and we'll be back to watching the clock - sounds like you're spending your summer just exactly the way you want to - good for you!