Monday, March 1, 2010

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow . . .

It's still winter here in Michigan, and will be for a few more weeks.  I'm getting a little tired of the snow, which has been on the ground for 3 month straight now.  I'm looking forward to being able to just wander outside, without putting on boots and coats, searching for mittens and snow pants.  But the boys have just recently started being more adventurous outside - partly due to the fact that the temps have been milder, in the 30's, but also probably due to my insisting that they go out to play, or they don't get computer time!  That seems to be working!

Last week we had snow every day - just an inch or so each day - but a continuous fresh supply. 

One day, Isaac and Aaron made a little "fort", just Aaron's size:

Another day, the snow was perfect for packing, and looked so pretty falling down lazily and gently:

And another day, burying each other was the order of the day:

Even our milk farm cows don't seem to mind the snow.  They just eat and stand around, as calmly as always, seemingly without a care in the world.

Spring, please show up soon!!


Mom said...

Glad the boys are getting outside and enjoying the snow!! Our snow is almost gone, at least in the front yard (south, facing the sun). I really like the one with Chester. The falling snow is so pretty! Thanx!!
Love, Mom XO

Mom said...

I'll bet you have lost much of this snow by now. Our front yard is all clear and the back yard, past the front of the garage.

Chris said...

Mom - strangely enough, even though we've had sun and temps in the 40's for a week now (yippee!) we still have about 2 inches of really packed snow covering most of the back yard. The front is almost gone though except closer to the house. I don't think it will last long though with low 50's in the forecast!