But discovering this in the backyard today was a little more than I'm used to:

Lots of snow melting last week before quickly freezing in puddles when the weather turned very cold for a few days, and then reaching 61 degrees yesterday afternoon resulted in a huge, lovely, muddy mess in the shady corner of the backyard where grass doesn't grow well.
"Sorry, we got a little carried away. We'll just rinse the shed off with the hose!" turned into, what hose? It's in the shed! We can't get to it, it's way in the back behind all the other stuff we put away for the winter! And then me searching everywhere for a bucket, not finding any (they're probably in the back of the shed too), and then filling a few big containers full of water from the house, before realizing we could partially fill the big watering can (thankfully reachable in the front of the shed) from the outdoor faucet without a hose . . .

Fill . . .

Scrub . . .

Rinse . . .

Repeat until clean.
I might expect this from my 5 year old, but from the 10 and almost-14 year old?!
Spring fever can make you a little crazy. They've been forgiven!
I am just sitting here laughing all by myself!!! "Wax on, wax off." Just think of all the memories and laughs this will bring back in a few years! What a hoot!! :} I really bet Aaron was wishing he had been in on it, too! :}
Love, Grandma
Do you offer a laundry class in home schooling?? Looks like that would have been a good day for it!!
Hey - good idea, Steve!
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