Thursday, March 26, 2009

Everything I Need

Not much to blog about. I'm mostly doing a lot of nothing. Still not feeling well most of the time. Trying to be patient with my body. Other than a couple short trips to the grocery store, a doctor appointment, or sitting in the car while Rashed took me on a drive in the country last Sunday, I've just been at home. Just eating as healthy as possible, taking my supplements, hoping for (though usually not getting) some good sleep, reading a lot, watching too much TV, and keeping the kids alive and somewhat schooled!

So I guess I'm really not doing "nothing", but sometimes it sure feels like it. I've had to adjust my expectations as it appears that this process will take a while. Longer than I thought when I first started. Improving your health naturally takes time. So I'm in it for the long haul, even though it's difficult. After being on medication for so long, my thyroid and adrenal glands, among other functions, were forced to work until they became exhausted. Without medication, they're slowly re-learning their jobs again. I've kind of been "here" before, years ago when first seeing a holistic doctor; so I know that I'll see improvement eventually. I need to keep my focus on that, and on the Word.

My dad sent me this reminder the other day from Psalm 23:1 (New Living translation)

"The Lord is my shepherd;
I have everything I need."

In this crazy, busy, over-achieving world, we think we need and deserve far more than we really do. I'm trying to rest in the knowledge that I really do have everything I need.

And some day, these earthly trials won't even matter any more. Some day we have no more sorrow, no more death, no more pain (Rev. 21:4). That will be a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a good reminder. I'm with ya girl!